Welcome to Williamstown!

Welcome to the official Town of Williamstown, Vermont, website, where residents and visitors are kept up-to-date on town government and activities.

Chartered on August 9, 1781, Williamstown is the second-largest municipality in Orange County. As of the 2020 census, our population is 3,515 residents. Students from pre-kindergarten through 12th-grade attend Williamstown schools. Ainsworth State Park, which offers camping, hiking and hunting, is located in town. Major thoroughfares include Interstate 89 and Vermont Route 14. Follow this link to learn more about the town’s history.

Town Notices:

March 21, 2025

Tripp Road from Route 14 to Boyce Road intersection will be closed until further notice. Please use Rood Pond or Pleasant Street to access.

Tripp Road, south end onto Route 14, is also closed until further notice.

We hope that with the impending colder temperatures next week, the highway department will be able to haul in materials to reopen.

Thank you for your patience.

March 13, 2025

A revote of the Paine Mountain School District budget has been scheduled for April 17, 2025, from 10 a.m. until 7 p.m. at the Williamstown Middle High School. Follow this link to see the Warning.

March 11, 2025

Williamstown’s annual Town and School Meetings were held on March 4, 2025:


March 5, 2025

Effective April 1, 2025, the Williamstown Transfer Station will be under new ownership. Evan Johnson will be the owner/operator. The Town of Williamstown would like to thank Don Giroux and his staff for their many years of service to Williamstown and the surrounding area.


The Williamstown Transfer Station’s operating hours will be Saturdays from 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. starting April 5, 2025.

The transfer station will no longer be open on Wednesdays after March 26, 2025.

February 26, 2025

Seeking interested candidates for Selectboard appointments, the deadline is March 10, 2025:

Planning Commission, 1 vacant 3-year term
Fence Viewer, 1 Vacant 1-year term
Central Vermont Solid Waste Man. Dist., 1 vacant 1-year term
Central Vermont Revolving Loan Fund, 1 vacant 1-year term

Please send a letter of interest to:
Jackie Higgins, Town Manager
[email protected]
P.O. Box 646
Williamstown, VT 05679

December 30, 2024

The Town Of Williamstown owns the water meters that are installed in your home or trailer, you are responsible to keep that meter in a safe environment. We do not own any other part of your water service from the curb stop at street into your home/trailer. You must protect the meter from damage and freezing. If you damage your meter or your meter freezes you must call a plumber and take care of what needs to be done on your own. The Town will supply you with a new meter if need be but at your cost. Meters are currently running around $180 – $200.

If you have a trailer or home that may freeze it is suggested you make sure all your heat tapes are good working order, insulation is all good, and skirting on trailers is appropriate. If need be it is always cheaper to let your water trickle out of a faucet and open up cabinets to let heat in to sink plumbing areas. In short if your water line freezes call a plumber to take care of it and if you need a new meter the Town will supply it at your cost.

Thank You,
Town Of Williamstown Water Department.

April 29, 2024

The Town of Williamstown is accepting applications for a road crew member/equipment operator. Work includes plowing, ditching, road repair, roadside mowing, culvert work, chainsaw operation, equipment maintenance and other duties. Requirements include a clean driving record, a CDL license and the ability to pass drug/alcohol tests. Highway/road experience is preferred.

This is a full-time position with excellent benefits. To apply, contact the Town Manager’s Office at [email protected] or 802-433-6671 ext. 101 for an employment application. Town of Williamstown is an equal-opportunity employer.

April 23, 2024

Town Officer/appointment vacancies:

Planning Commission
Central Vermont Waste District Rep.

Contact the Town Manager if you are interested.

January 15, 2024

Follow this link to see the Town of Williamstown’s annual audit performed by VeroffCPA for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023.

March 9, 2023

Notice of Williamstown Commission/Committee/Volunteer Vacancies

Cemetery Commissioner 1 year of 5-year term.
Ainsworth Public Library Trustee 1 of 5 years remaining.
Planning Commission 2 – 3 year appointment vacancies.
Fence Viewer – 2 – 1 year appointment vacancies.
Central VT Solid Waste Management Town Representative – 1-year appointment.

If you are interested in filling one of the above vacancies, please submit a letter of interest to the Town Manager’s Office. Email: [email protected] or by mail to Town Manager, P.O. Box 646, Williamstown, VT 05679

January 10, 2023

The Williamstown Selectboard added an amendment to the Ordinance Regulating All-terrain Vehicle Use on Town Highways at their meeting on Jan. 9. Follow this link to see the amended ordinance.

July 2, 2019

As of July 1, Town Clerks can no longer make birth and death certificates available from the vault (new state law). The person requesting a certified copy of either a birth or death needs to fill out an application form and show a form of ID. Follow this link to download the application. It will be a little more time-consuming than before so please be patient.

Please call the clerk’s office first to assure availability.