Gordon Murray
Bill Peabody
May Edson, Lister’s Assistant/Assessor
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 646
Williamstown, VT 05679
Physical address:
2470 Vermont Route 14
Williamstown, VT 05679
Phone: 802-433-5455 x102 | Fax: 802-433-2160
Some facts about Williamstown
- There are 1584 properties in the town (includes unlanded mobile homes)
- Population: 3,389 (2010)
- Households: 1,479
- Average home sales price: $122,000 (2012)
- Average number of homes sales: 2005-2012: 29
Property maps
Williamstown’s property maps can be viewed by following the links below.
Property database
Parcel viewer
What is the Grand List?
Each town in Vermont is expected to maintain a Grand List of properties in that town. The grand list is contains facts about the property and a value for the property. The listers are charged with maintaining the list and the values on it. The Town’s Selectboard uses these values to determine the tax rate needed to fund the current year’s budget. When the Grand List is published for 2015, it will be available on-line.
Helpful information
More information on Vermont’s property assessment system and the school funding laws (Acts 60 & 68) can be obtained from the Vermont Department of Taxes, Division of Property Valuation and Review. Follow this link to go to their website.
You can find information on preparing for an appeal of your property value on the Secretary of State’s website or download the handbook Are You Appealing.