Board of Cemetery Commissioners
Matt Couillard
Orvil Lasell
Susan Lyons
Daphne Herwig
Matt Walker
Joe Mangan – Kirkyard Services LLC – Groundskeeper
To contact the Cemetery Commissioners, call 802-433-5455 or email [email protected]
Recent meetings:
Oct. 24, 2024
Agenda | Minutes | Video
Sept. 26, 2024
Agenda | Minutes | Video
Follow this link to see agendas and minutes from prior cemetery commission meetings.
The Board of Cemetery Commissioners meets on the last Thursday of the month from April through October and on special occasions as warranted in order to conduct cemetery business. Visitors are always welcome as the Board values input and suggestions. The cemeteries are being meticulously maintained and mowed by our groundskeeper, Joe, and are looking wonderful.
Follow this link to read or download the Cemetery Commission’s letter to potential lot purchasers.
Lot Prices:
Burial lot (5×10 feet) – $850
Cremation lot (5×5 feet) – $650
Required: Four granite corner posts – minimum of 6″ square required.
Lot sales include the purchase and installation of the corner posts.
Interment Rates:
Full burial – $800 (weekdays), $900 (weekends/holidays)
Cremation – $400 (weekdays), $500 (weekends/holidays)
Installation Fees:
Grass markers – $125
Four corner posts – $125
All prices are subject to change and are subject to additional charges for unusual services or circumstances such as hand digging or the removal of ledge. All burials are subject to the rules and regulations of the Williamstown Cemetery Commission.
*As of Jan. 1, 2024
To obtain a copy of the Williamstown Cemetery Rules and Regulations, you can call or stop in the Town Clerk’s Office to get one.
Flowers and shrubs
In-ground flowers may be planted within one foot of the headstone not to exceed the width of the base. No other planting or appurtenances are allowed on any cemetery lot unless placed there by or at the discretion of the Commission. When such in-ground flowers as mentioned above become unsightly or in any way a detriment to Williamstown Cemeteries, they will be removed with no liability to Williamstown Cemeteries and employees. The Commission and employees shall have the authority, with no liability, to remove all floral decorations, appurtenances, flags, shrubs, plants, pots, containers, or herbage of any kind which in the judgment of the Commission have become unsightly or not in compliance with cemetery rules. It is recommended that all cut flowers be placed in an invertible in-ground vase.
A person may not place, deposit, or maintain, or cause to be placed, deposited or maintained, any plastic flowers, floral displays, wreaths, or similar devices, upon a grave or the burial grounds contained within Williamstown Cemeteries.
Monument foundation vendors
The Cemetery Commission is putting together a list of vendors who are interested in doing foundations in the Cemeteries in Williamstown. If you would like to be added to the list, call the chairman.