David Wilder, Road Foreman
Justin Blakely
Jim Miller
Joe Perusse
Bryan Palmer
Phone: 802-249-3190 (foreman’s cell)
Follow this link to see Williamstown’s Amended Highway Policy. effective July 12, 2021.
During the day, call the Town Manager’s Office (802-433-6671) for roads that need attention. Most times during the day your call to the Town Garage will not have someone there to answer and you will get the answering machine. The road crew are out working on the roads.
After hours call the Road Foreman’s cell phone at 802-249-3190 and leave a message. The Road Foreman will be checking the messages and alerting the road crew.
We continue to appreciate Residents feedback on road issues of concern by calling the Town Manager’s office or Contact Us on this site.
Spring Highway Roads
No overweight trucks on town highways during mud season. Contact the Town Manager’s office for further information.