Williamstown outsources their water and sewer management to Simon’s Operation Services. Allen Chouinard handles Williamstown directly. In the event of a Water or Sewer Emergency, Allen’s contact is listed below. If you have general inquiries or require assistance with you municipal water system, than please contact the Town Manager’s office, as all work performed by Simon’s must have a completed work order, which can only be completed by the Town Manager. Unless it is a bona fide emergency, Simon’s Operations will NOT perform work without authorization by the Town Manager or her designee.
Jacqueline Higgins, Town Manager (email)
Phone: 802-433-6671
The Town Of Williamstown owns the water meters that are installed in your home or trailer, you are responsible to keep that meter in a safe environment. We do not own any other part of your water service from the curb stop at street into your home/trailer. You must protect the meter from damage and freezing. If you damage your meter or your meter freezes you must call a plumber and take care of what needs to be done on your own. The Town will supply you with a new meter if need be but at your cost. Meters are currently running around $180 – $200.
If you have a trailer or home that may freeze it is suggested you make sure all your heat tapes are good working order, insulation is all good, and skirting on trailers is appropriate. If need be it is always cheaper to let your water trickle out of a faucet and open up cabinets to let heat in to sink plumbing areas. In short if your water line freezes call a plumber to take care of it and if you need a new meter the Town will supply it at your cost.
Thank You,
Town Of Williamstown Water Department.
Simon’s Operations Services
Allen Chouinard
Consumer Confidence Report
Follow the links below to read the reports about Williamstown’s water quality:
Water Utility Line Inventory
Water Reclassification Information
The Agency of Natural Resources, Waste Management Division has posted an information section on the proposed reclassification of groundwater in the Williamstown Village area. It contains most of the current, electronically available reports on the matter. Follow this link to read the report.